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St Mary's RC

Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Santes Fair

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Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Santes Fair

Vision for learners

St Mary’s RC Primary School

Together we inspire, empower and achieve with Christ in our hearts’



At St. Mary’s we aspire to inspire and empower the whole school community to achieve their true potential so that God becomes a reality in all that we do.



In partnership with parents, governors and learners we aim to:

Inspire one another to:

Be loving, following the teaching and example of Jesus

Be ambitious, maintaining high expectations of ourselves in all areas of school and life

Be creative,  drawing from rich, authentic learning experiences which spark imagination and motivation

Make healthy choices, which support our physical, mental and emotional well-being

Love learning, developing the curiosity and independence to learn throughout our lives.

Grow in spirituality, both as an individual and as part of a community, to flourish as human beings living in the twenty-first century world

Empower one another to:

Have confidence, thriving as learners with a resilient mindset which is able to overcome challenge

Develop the skills and knowledge to be capable learners, able to adapt as effective learners in an ever changing world 

Make ethically informed choices, supported by a nurturing Catholic environment and a strong sense of who we are

Be enterprising, taking action for the good of others and the enrichment of our own lives and recognising and developing our individual talents.


Achieve, both individually and as part of the school community by:

Successfully reaching our goals, dreams and ambitions

Having the knowledge, skills and mindset to learn throughout our lives

Living fulfilled lives, as valued members of society and as citizens of Wales and the world.

Developing intrinsic motivation for learning and a mindset for resilience in learning

There are three core principles which we believe in at St Mary’s which underpin our whole school ethos, drive our teaching and shape the learning for which we are responsible.

  • Learners should be developing spiritually and emotionally within the Catholic ethos of our school.
  • Learners should be literate, with confident skills in oracy, reading and writing across genres
  • Learners should be numerate,  with the ability to reason, problem solve and apply their skills to a level of mastery appropriate for their age


Everything we do at St Mary’s is in line with our National Mission, as set out by Kirsty Williams, the Welsh Education Minister,  in 2018:


“To raise standards, reduce the attainment gap and deliver an education system that is a source of national pride and confidence.” 


Similarly, as a Catholic school we recognise and respond to our calling from the Catholic Religious Education Curriculum Directory:


to "help parents, priests and teachers to hand on the Deposit of Faith in its fullness to a new generation of young people so that they may come to understand the richness of the Catholic faith, and thereby be drawn into a deeper communion with Christ in his Church."


"Together we inspire, empower and achieve, with Christ in our hearts"
