School Uniform
School Uniform (including house colour hoodies) can now be ordered online from School Trends. Orders will be delivered directly to your chosen address. Please click this link to order:
Winter/ Gaeaf (worn from October half- term until Easter)
- Girls
Grey pinafore, skirt, or trousers, blue blouse, royal blue v-necked jumper
or cardigan, school tie and suitable, polishable, black shoes
- Boys
Grey trousers, blue shirt, royal blue v-necked jumper, school tie and suitable, polishable, black shoes.
Summer/ Haf (worn from Easter until October half-term)
- Girls
Blue and white gingham dress or blue polo shirt, grey skirt or trousers
with suitable black shoes.
- Boys
Grey shorts or trousers, royal blue polo shirt or blue shirt and school tie
and suitable, polishable, black shoes.
N.B. Trainers are not part of school uniform and must not be worn.
P.E. Kit / Dillad Ymarfer Corff
All children should wear kit for physical education sessions, which includes a house coloured T-shirt (please order from school via Parentpay), dark shorts and black daps. All children will also need a dark jogging suit and black or white plain trainers for outdoor games.