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St Mary's RC

Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Santes Fair

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Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Santes Fair

Additional Learning Needs

Inclusion is a high priority at St. Mary’s Primary School. We are committed to providing support for those learners who have additional learning needs. The school’s ALNco is Miss C Flynn ( 


Around 10% of our student body have been identified as having some kind of additional learning need, and require support.


As a school we are able to provide: 

  • A supportive, nurturing and inclusive learning environment. 
  • Access to an exciting and inclusive curriculum. 
  • Opportunities to celebrate diversity. 
  • Opportunities to access classroom activities through differentiated learning. 
  • Opportunities to access learning aids to support additional learning needs. 
  • Tailored small group intervention (COMIT, RWR, Lego therapy). 
  • Tailored individual wellbeing intervention (Talk and draw, ELSA).
  • Experienced learning support staff. 
  • Meaningful teaching and learning experiences. 
  • Screening for dyslexia and dyscalculia.
  • Access to outside agency support (Education psychology, Gwent ethnic minority service).  
  • Access to advice from health professionals. 
  • Parent and child centred learning plans. 


Below, you can find some relevant ALN documents, including: 

-The school’s placemat outlining our ALN procedures. 

-Previous ALN newsletters sent to parents (used as communication through lockdown). 

-Official Leaflets related to the ALN Processes set by the local authority.




Additional Learning Needs in Wales - what's happening?

Additional Learning Needs - An animation explaining the new system for parents and young people

Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol - Animeiddiad i egluro'r system newydd i blant, pobl ifanc a rhieni

Additional Learning Needs Placemat

"Together we inspire, empower and achieve, with Christ in our hearts"
