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St Mary's RC

Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Santes Fair

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Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Santes Fair

Prayer Life

At St. Mary's we understand the importance of prayer in our lives. Each day we start with Christian meditation, where as a school we fall silent and listen to God's voice speaking to us. We then pray using set prayers for each year group, some of these are in Welsh for our older children. We then end the day with an Examen where we prayerfully reflect on how the day has gone.


A Prayer table is set in each classroom, following the colours of the liturgical year. The children are encouraged to prepare the table for worship and to use it if they need to spend a few moments in quiet prayer or contemplation. Prayer tables can also be found in the Upper hall and staff room.


"Together we inspire, empower and achieve, with Christ in our hearts"
