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St Mary's RC

Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Santes Fair

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Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Santes Fair

Collective Worship

At St Mary's we recognise the importance of living by the Gospel values. Each Monday all year groups celebrate Sunday's Gospel preparing us for the week ahead.


The Pupil Profile Virtues are very important to us and we try to live out these virtues both in school and in our lives outside of school. Often the pupils help to explain how we can live out these virtues.


Class worship on Wednesdays are led by our pupils and teachers. Groups of pupils plan and carry out a class worship linked to the current RE topic, the current virtues or the liturgical year.


At St Mary's we love to sing and on Thursdays we come together to praise God in song and prayer. The children love learning new songs and hymns.


At the end of the week we gather together as a whole school to celebrate our faith journey and the talents God has given us.


"Together we inspire, empower and achieve, with Christ in our hearts"
